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Existential Journey: Eternal Search ....18.05.2024

I am not a part of this gives rise to feelings

Just be content that I am microcosm

No I am all, everything

A comforting and humbling feeling and also devastating and belittling feeling, a forsaken unease

So much going around

The unbelievable, best, the worst and ignoble

I am swayed by these myths

I know little and deeper I go I find truths unsettling

What's this journey and where is it leading

Death is not destination

Must be there something beyond

How many times have you not experienced the eternal

Let people have their own notions and experiences

Your experiences are not abnormal or inimical

You are in own sphere finding your mula

Dr SV Prabhath

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תגובה אחת

20 במאי

I just have gone through your blog dated 18th May.The journey is not permanent. It is a very good reminder of how impermanent is our life.

Setting our Mind on God is a big relief in this tumultuous life.No matter how busy we are ,we have to delineate some time to God.

Thoughtfully written, blog.

I will go through the other blog of the same date.

Thank you

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