In the vast expanse where tears freely flow,
I seek you, yet find only an empty echo.
My faith wavers, doubts cast their spite,
As questions arise with every night.
Distances stretch, the gulf widens too,
Into depths I plunge, seeking you.
But amidst stones, temples, and sacred spaces,
Only in kindness, love, do I find traces.
You, fashioned by man's hand, yet defiled,
Elude my grasp, remain unreconciled.
I cannot bridge this gap, nor reach your shore,
Yet still, I yearn for something more.
In sorrow's embrace, you do not dwell,
Yet I crave your presence, I long to tell,
Of this absurd existence, where you come and go,
Leaving no invitation, no farewell to show.
Life's script unfolds, a tale unknown,
Questions abound, answers overthrown.
Yet within this chaos, I strive to find,
The truth I seek, within my mind.
Poem authored by Dr.SV Prabhath
This poem delves into the speaker's profound spiritual journey and struggle to find meaning and connection with the divine. The speaker expresses their frustration and despair in not being able to locate the presence of the divine despite their earnest search. They reflect on the various symbols and places traditionally associated with spirituality, such as stones, temples, and worship spaces, but find them lacking in true divine essence.
The poem highlights the speaker's longing for a deeper connection with the divine, yearning to experience it in moments of sorrow and seeking solace. However, despite their efforts, they feel a sense of futility and absurdity in their existence, where the divine seems to elude them without any clear explanation.
Ultimately, the poem encapsulates the human struggle to reconcile faith and doubt, to find meaning in the face of uncertainty, and to seek communion with the divine amidst life's complexities and contradictions.