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  • svp292

timeless elegance and enchanting scent ...08.04.2024

Jasmine, a flower known to me since childhood, holds a special place in my heart. Among the many varieties now in the garden, jasmine remains pure, simple, lovely, and mystical. Its distinct perfume sets it apart, a quality that many beautiful flowers today lack. Jasmine's fragrance evokes memories of village beauty and rustic charm, contrasting with the modern glamour seen on runways. Despite the changes over the years, jasmine's timeless elegance and enchanting scent continue to captivate and endure.

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1 Comment

Apr 08

My comments on Timeless elegance.

When I read your blog on jasmine, my memories about the Jasmine in our compound of my native place surfaced immediately.In fact this would the experience of every lover of nature.

What a fragrance.....this tiny flower radiates.!!It has its own speciality amongst flowers.In fact this flower occupies the first place .May be rose is second best.

In summer jasmine flowers abound in crop.

Ladies particularly like this for it's simple appearance yet adorns their plaits .

Nice blog

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